The Light Upon Light with Mufti Menk

August, 2017 was an exciting day. It was the much awaited annual event of Light Upon Light, which took place at the Excel London. Organised by the Eman Channel, it featured world renowned Muslim speakers, including the likes of Mufti Menk, who is best known for his simplicity and the humourous touch in his lectures. The highlight of the event was when Sheikh Nayef and Sheikh Mansour collaborated with Mufti Menk whilst he interpreted their lecture from Arabic into English. Interestingly, the trio not only delivered their respective lectures in an excellent manner, but added humour that cheered up the audience. In addition to this, there was the kids show with Farooq and Jawad; followed by an all guest panel discussion.

In terms of the attendees, there was an overwhelming crowd, which demonstrates a positive relish and admiration for such events. Positive vibes were flowing as everyone seemed to enjoy the day out, some alone, others with friends and family. A mini bazaar was set up with different stalls, displaying such things as candies, perfume, Qurbani and plenty more to keep the crowd amused, and featured Islamic vendors.

The overall atmosphere was certainly excellent; one could define it as a celebration of brother and sisterhood. Truly a spiritually refreshing and enlightening occasion which made one question their purpose in life; battling through one’s demons; valuing family; reflecting upon their behaviour; and thinking about the Day of Judgment:  These were the principal themes discussed. The event concluded on a positive note, however, it was the first session with Mufti Menk and Sheikh Nayef and Sheikh Mansour, which perhaps could be regarded as highly informative, entertaining and attention grabbing. There is no doubt the Light Upon Light event was a tremendous success which will be coming back later this year, sometime in the winter.

By Rabi’ah M

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Journalist, Editor and Photographer

Tags: british muslim magazine, eman channel, light upon light, mufti menk, rabi'ah m, The Light Upon Light with Mufti Menk

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