The Importance of Zikr

If something is of great value; brings about a significant change; makes a contribution which is crucial & extremely vital to the resolution of a crisis; you can call it important. We are now left with one question: Is Zikr Important?


Dhikr Gathering

The right of Allah (swt)
Graph of Importance
The purpose of Mankind
Better Safe than Sorry

Purpose of Zikr: When starting to practise zikr one should have one’s thoughts directed and determined to achieve a desired goal. Zikr only has one true purpose but there are seven paths which lead one to reach the ultimate goal.


1) Love: For Allah & His Rasul
2) Knowledge: Inner & Outer
3) Peace & Tranquility
4) Purity: Inner & Outer
5) Blessings & Reward
6) Forgiveness & Pardon
7) Success: In this life & the next
8) Spiritual Strength

Types of Zikr:Different people have different tastes. As Zikr is for everyone, you are sure to find a type of Zikr which suits you the most. Each form of Zikr has its own blessings and beauty, but all forms of zikr will lead you to the resonant of them all.

ufi orders & types of Zikr
Verbal Zikr: Doorway to the Heart
Qalbi Zikr: The living Heart

Virtues of Zikr: Virtues of all good deeds are numerous and pleasing. but none can even remotely compare to the vast blessings, gifts, grace, stations, peace and tranquility received by one who performs Zikr. Learn more about the blessings that await you.

Rewards Gained in this worldly life
Benefits to be received in the Hereafter

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Journalist, Editor and Photographer

Tags: british muslim magazine, tasbee, travel, zikr

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