6 ways to create a calming meditation space

Words Natasha Syed

It always amazes me when i meet friends and family who mention they can’t still their minds. Below are 6 simple steps to help your stay calm and re-focus in life.

Rule number one…declutter – Keep your living and sleeping space clean and free of clutter. Leave as much space as you can.

A good smell can change your mood quickly. Essential oils, assists relaxation, while burning sage, frankincense and other herbs can help to cleanse your space.

Soft furnishings – Comfort is key! Some large comfy cushions, soft blankets, clean blankets and light coloured mats make a big difference to your day to day comfort.

Get personal – personalise your space, make it yours! Get your prayer beads out, your zikr book, some nice incense sticks and make the best of your weekday, weekend or week.

Lighting – meditate in the mornings, work with natural light around you but if it’s that time of the day (night), its important to make sure you have the right lighting to get in the zone.


Image credit – traveling_dounia

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Journalist, Editor and Photographer

Tags: british muslim magazine, declutter, meditation, natasha syed, sage, tawakkul, wellbeing, wellness

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