5 Ways to Get Yourself Ready for Ramadan

Ramadan is almost upon us! Only a few more days to go and we will feel alive again.

To welcome this blessed month, we’ve put together a list of our top 5 suggestions to make the most of this month.

First up – Jeem Life Journal

Inspiring peace, purpose and productivity, the Jeem Journal is a guided journal containing short, structured exercises and inspiration to help you make the most of yourself everyday. For Muslims seeking more.

May Allah allow us to reach Ramadan and to reap its rewards. Five minutes of gratitude and goal-setting in the morning for a productive day; five minutes of reflection at night for a restful sleep. A great buy to help a fellow muslim re-focus this Ramadan and it makes the perfect Eid gift. Buy it from Jeem Life here Only £19.99

The Majestic Quran (Hardback)

Ramadan is one of the best times to strengthen our relationship with the Qu’ran. Last year i was gifted the above Qur’an and since then, i read it every day. This reader-friendly presentation of the Quran will help you to understand the topic you are reading, and learn the moving and transformative message of the Quran. There are 1500 sections with headings. The infallible word of Allah is a literary masterpiece of breathtaking beauty, revealed by the Most Kind and Loving Lord in an authoritative yet gentle, poetic language. Grab your issue and learn it yourself or why not gift it to someone this Ramadan – buy here Only £19.99

Spiritual Healing A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine

“The Day when neither wealth nor children will be of any benefit. Only those who come before Allāh with a pure heart (will be saved)”.

This spiritual guide to the self is a handbook of tazkiyah or ‘self-purification’. Not only does it illustrate the maladies of the human spiritual condition, it recognises the struggles and insecurities we all succumb to from time to time, and offers up the remedies too. Order your copy from £21.99 from here

Count those blessings. The month or Ramadan is a time to pray and make as much dua as possible so why not track your duas via this amazing personalised Tasbeeh Counter?

Personalised Tasbeeh Counters

The power of Zikr is mindblowing. The perfect handheld accessory is delicate but durable. This is guaranteed to reduce anxiety and give you the opportunity to utter the words of the Lord through Zikr. All Tasbeeh Counters are uniquely made just for you, the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one any time of the year. Only £11.99 from TasbeehCounter.com (Available in different colours).

Image Credit – Larm Rmah

Last but not least in anyway, give charity.  Charity is defined as helping/aiding those who are in need, whether it is with food, drink, clothes, or money. In Islam, there are different types of charity you can give. For example, ‘Sadaqa’, which means ‘righteousness’, is referred to the voluntary giving of alms or charity. But in Islamic terminology; Sadaqah has been defined as an act of ‘giving something to somebody without seeking a substitute in return and with the intention of pleasing Allah’.

“Sadaqah wipes out sins like water extinguishes fire.” Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

Ramadan Mubarak!

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Journalist, Editor and Photographer

Tags: british muslim magazine, charity, dhikr, dua, food and drink, ibn Daud, islam, jeem life, midset, qur'an, ramadan, tasbeeh, zikr

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