Founder of FW Beauty Fatiha Rouf shares her beauty tips and tricks for better skincare

FW Beauty founder, Fatiha Rouf gave us a walkthrough of her journey through beauty to product building whilst answering some of our top questions. Find out what Fatiha uses for her workout regime and what her favourite go to item is. 

What is beauty? 

Beauty to me means being comfortable with yourself and embracing every part of you, including the imperfections.  

How did FW beauty begin? 

Quite simply in my bedroom (ha ha). I used to make YouTube videos on DIY natural skincare where I discussed how to improve one’s skin using natural methods. Methods that have been used for centuries! My viewers wanted to buy the readymade form and that’s when FWBEAUTY was born! 

What benefits do your products serve? 

Fwbeauty products are all natural and organic which means they do not contain any harmful or toxic chemicals. What’s more, they do not contain harsh preservatives or synthetics ingredients that may irritate the skin. They contain botanicals used in ancient skincare rituals which have been passed down from generation to generation that are better for your overall health.  

Owner of FW Beauty – Fatiha Rouf

Where do you get your inspiration from? 

The women in my family. My mum and nan always used natural soaps, plants crushed into powders for face masks and natural tints made from rose petals. Natural beauty products are still very much the everyday norm for people in south Asian countries because of why they have beautiful skin; that’s definitely what inspired me.  

What has been the biggest challenge of your career to date? 

It’s been balancing home life and business life. Alhamdulillah we have grown ten folds in the past five years and so has my family (ha ha), which includes four boys – one with special. To this day, I still find it a challenge to balance both – but Alhamdulillah I now have a team in place and we all work hard to help one another. It helps that we’re all passionate about this business and work very hard towards it. The sleepless nights working until the early hours has definitely paid off!  

What do you love most about make up? 

I love how much confidence it gives you! Self love is super important and it’s important to express this through your own skin. But what I love most about makeup is that I can go for a soft glow one day, to a dramatic bold look the next. It’s still me – but expressed in different ways through makeup. It’s quite remarkable really!  

Owner of FW Beauty – Fatiha Rouf

Does everyone look better with make-up? 

No way! Most women look gorgeous with just cream on their face. Makeup should not be seen as something to make you “look better”. It’s there to make you “feel better” on days you want those pink cheeks and gold eyelids. But it’s important to keep in mind that we look beautiful with or without makeup.  

 How has your brand survived through the pandemic situation? 

It was scary at first and we did initially close for a short while to allow staff to take time off. We then took steps to ensure our staff returned to a safer environment and Alhamdulillah we re-opened. Nevertheless, taking time off was great as it gave us all the chance to focus on the health of our skin.  

Read the full interview in our Autumn 2021 issue of British Muslim Magazine

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Journalist, Editor and Photographer

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Tags: bmm, british muslim magazine, fatiha rouf, good skin, HALAL BEAUTY, halal cosmetics, muslim lifestyle, one billion pound market, skincare, toxic chemicals

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