Muslims often forget that the Qur’an was revealed for humanity before it was revealed for Muslims. Throughout the book, readers will find verses beginning with ‘O humanity’ on numerous occasions, as it timelessly reaches out to all of mankind.
History is replete with examples of many Jews, Christian and those of no faith converting to Islam solely based on their experiences with the Qur’an. Perfect in its own way, the Qur’an meticulously calls out to us, with hundreds of verses addressed directly to humans.
As Muslims, we often forget that the Qur’an is an open invitation towards the best of both worlds. It is an invitation to understanding matters pertaining to our lives, relationships, struggles and life in the hereafter. The Qur’an heals us through its recitation. It prevents calamities from reaching us and it also provides us with a comfort that is unmatched.
As we get closer to the month of Ramadhan, let us be proactive by attempting to connect with Qur’an from today. Whether you’re looking to improve recitation, study its meaning, or dive deeper into commentary, now is the time to start. Maybe you prefer to listen to the Qur’an instead? Whatever the case, prepare for Ramadhan by reaching out to the Qur’an in any way that works for you.
To kickstart your preparation, here are five ways you can start connecting with the Qur’an today.
Adopt Certain Etiquettes
Before approaching the Qur’an, keep in mind several things. Firstly, ensure immense appreciation is expressed through gratitude, as if it was not for revelation, this Qur’an would have never reached us. What’s more, one should continually praise Allah when he remembers this blessing, as this will result in greater appreciation for the Qur’an. It’s also hugely important that one is mindful of what one is about to embark on, as this will lead to being present with the Qur’an. This directly impacts one’s level of devotion and dedication towards the Qur’an and can lead to a a heightened awareness of the Qur’an’s magnificence.
Remove Any Distractions
On the path to nobility, distractions will continually manifest. It is for this reason, and this reason only, that we should thoroughly think about removing potential distractions as we reach approach the Qur’an. Among the many distractions mentioned by Imam Ghazzali, he also mentioned that following self-whims, arrogance, sinning persistently and pride are all distractions and roadblocks that prevent one from benefiting from the Qur’an. The more we leave behind these misdeeds, the more the Qur’an will open itself up to us.
Focus on Tajweed
Do you wish you could recite the Qur’an? Maybe you already know how to recite but wish that you could do so better? The good news is that there’s still time to learn. As Ramadhan is more about recitation of the Qur’an, start studying the rules of pronunciation (tajweed) from now. It’s never too late and there are many online and offline options out there. You can start now with Ebrahim College. With a course on tajweed spanning twelve weeks, the beginner course will develop one’s ability to understand the crucial rules required to recite the Qur’an. There are many other options on Youtube and various other websites which one can take advantage of. If you want to improve your recitation before Ramadhan, start exploring the many courses and options from now so that you’re ready to recite in Ramadhan.
Listen to Qur’an Recitation
Listening to the Holy Qur’an is one of Islam’s many wonders which to this day continues to produce many benefits. Unlike other religious scriptures, the Qur’an is a profound phenomenon which can transform hearts through its recitation and listening. Many studies have found that listening to the Holy Qur’an can have positive and remedial effects on one’s physical and mental well-being. One such study divided a group of those suffering from anxiety into two groups: one prescribed to listen to the Holy Qur’an whilst the other received normal routine care. In conclusion, the researchers found that there was an improvement in depression, stress and anxiety levels for those that were instructed to listen to the Qur’an recital. Today the world is replete with excellent reciters – also known as Qaris – with all of them mesmerising listeners around the globe.
Maintain Humility
The Qur’an is a book that limitlessly reveals itself to a person that approaches it with utmost humility. As you’re on your journey towards reciting and understanding the Qur’an, remember to constantly practice the art of humility by internalising that these are the words of Allah. As you recite the verses, do so in a way that you picture seeing Allah, and if that is not possible, believe that He sees you. In one hadith, this level of awareness has been described as ihsan, which is an attribute that is often seen as the missing ingredient in recognising Allah for who He is.
As we get closer to Ramadhan, British Muslim Magazine plans to bring you more content about Ramadhan and how to better prepare for the blessed month. To browse our Ramadhan and fasting articles, click here.
Main Image Credit: Malik Shibly (Unsplash)