Five Alternatives To New Year’s Resolutions

new year's resolutions

And just like that, 2022 comes to an end! Excited to start the new year with a bang, many of us have truly welcomed 2023 better than we did the previous year!

New Year’s resolutions can get overrated, which is why we think it’s better to focus on other ways to make the year count. Instead, focus on to-do lists, or perhaps explore your very own bucket list! Whatever the case, leave aside your New Year’s resolutions and read on to find about five of the best alternatives to the hyped-up concept of resolutions.

Make a List of Things To Look Forward To

It’s well known that we are happier when we have something to look forward to. Why is that you may ask? Well, if you think about it, we as humans dwell more on future events than we do on ones that have already passed us. When you anticipate something exciting in the future, it gives you the impetus to do well in whatever you may be doing. Whatever your hopes may be for 2023, make a list and start planning. Whether it’s a small thing or big, having something to look forward to will have you on the edge of your seat as you eagerly await that moment. 

new year's resolutions
Image Credit: That’s Her Business (Unsplash)

Spend Time on Your Ultimate Bucket List

This one is effective if you swap it with your New Year’s resolution. Instead of fixing a time to accomplish something, simply make a bucket list of things you want to do rather than accomplish over the next twelve months. With no added unnecessary pressure of resolutions – as well as disappointment from not accomplishing them – you instead excite yourself about your bucket list prospects. Bucket lists are more peaceful to think of and can help you focus on something you’ve been putting off for a long time. 

Focus on One Big Thing 

Instead of making a list of resolutions for the new year, focus on one big thing instead. Any big thing you’d like to focus on will undoubtedly have several elements. By focusing on that one big thing, you can start to take care of those small elements and that alone will keep you busy. Say for example you want to start a new job. You have to search around, strengthen your CV and most importantly focus on your interview skills. We all know it isn’t easy to get a new job in this day and age. You could be planning on doing a long trip this year. Have you perhaps looked into costs, accommodation options, how to get around and above all, entry requirements? By focusing on one big thing, we give that thing our undivided attention instead of trying to accomplish too many things in one go. 

Image Credit: Roell de Ram (Unsplash)

Take up a 30-Day Challenge 

Instead of setting resolutions for a year, start with a month. Monthly challenges have proven extremely successful over the years, as they allow us to focus on smaller tasks within a reasonable amount of time. Instead of making unrealistic goals to exercise this year, start with a simple 30-day yoga challenge. If you’re looking to learn a new craft or pick up a new hobby, find 30-day workshops or courses to get you started. By limiting yourself to 30 days, you give yourself enough time to see if that thing is for you or not. What’s more, as 30 days is not a long time, you can confidently give up on that thing whilst feeling accomplished if you’re not finding it interesting. 

Measure or Track Something

This year, try measuring something that concerns you instead of trying to fix things. When we measure things, we feel more informed, which allows us to make adjustments as we see necessary. Take for example your time management. If your resolution is to become better with the way you manage time, keep a log of how you’re spending your time. If you feel that you want to make changes to your diet, keep a food log. And the list goes on. You can keep a track of your movement levels using a Fitbit or you may be interested in seeing how you manage your finances. To become better at any one of these things, try measuring and tracking before you adopt a new practice. Without focusing too much on trying something new or picking up a new habit, simply observe how you’re doing currently with all or any one of these things. That way you can pick up if there are any issues and make changes accordingly. 

Image Credit: Tim Mossholder (Unsplash)

Juber Ahmed
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Juber Ahmed is our Digital Editor and travel enthusiast with a keen interest in Islamic history and heritage. He travels with his wife to various places around the world and writes about his experiences.
Juber's favourite Quote...
"The World Is a Book and Those Who Do Not Travel Read Only One Page" [Saint Augustine]
Tags: 2023, 30-day challenge, british muslim, british muslim magazine, bucket list, halal travel, measure, muslim, new year's resolutions, travel

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by Juber Ahmed
Juber Ahmed is our Digital Editor and travel enthusiast with a keen interest in Islamic history and heritage. He travels with his wife to various places around the world and writes about his experiences.
Juber's favourite Quote...
"The World Is a Book and Those Who Do Not Travel Read Only One Page" [Saint Augustine]
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