Ten Benefits of Having a Hobby

End the monotony before it’s too late by finding a hobby today!

I’m sure we’ve all experienced this at some point. Wake up, go to work, come back, have dinner, watch some TV and repeat the next day. The only part that makes our week slightly interesting is the weekend, which is when we can catch up with family and friends and maybe take a day trip somewhere nice.

We often find ourselves stuck in this routine which can leave us feeling dull, bored and in many cases, frustrated. That is why it’s important to bring about changes and break the monotony by introducing or reviewing a hobby. 

Many studies have found that having a hobby can reduce stress, improve one’s mood, and prevent one from feeling depressed. That’s because having a hobby not only allows you to do something interesting for you, but also acts as a way of giving some meaning to your life. Many people who have a hobby have found that it helps them be who they are and keeps them going through even the darkest of days. 

But don’t just take our word for it. Here are ten reasons why having a hobby can benefit you in more ways than you can think of. 

You Take Time Off

The biggest benefit of having a hobby is that you’ll be forced to take some time away from your daily tasks, which can become mundane when done regularly. It breaks the constant rhythm of work and home life and allows you to dive into something from which you can find pure joy. 

Empty Your Mind

Focusing on a hobby is a surefire way of vacating your mind from the stresses of daily life. What’s more, having a hobby allows you to take your mind off of anything that may have upset you or caused you a great deal of stress. We usually just focus on things we have to, which is why when we focus on things that we do for our satisfaction and enjoyment, it helps remove any built-up stress and anxiety. 

Makes You More Creative

This one is a no-brainer. Whatever your hobby, you’ll find that it makes you more creative as there are no parameters or rules around how you do things. Let’s take for example the art of painting. No one is enforcing any rules around what you’re paintings should look like, which is why you’ll find that this is when you have the most creativity. 

You Have Something Else To Focus on

Life should not just be about what we have to do, but should also include what we want to do. And I don’t just mean shopping, entertaining ourselves and delicious food. I’m referring to things that bring about inner satisfaction and joy. Seldom do we give ourselves the pleasure of doing something we love that not only satisfies us, but also makes us feel fulfilled. Why not make things fun and interesting by treating yourself to a hobby that is for you and only you? That way, you can take your mind off work, family-related concerns and everything associated with the daily grind.

You Learn More About Yourself 

Some people go all their lives without ever being passionate about anything, nor do they learn much about themselves. Prevent that from happening by finding something you love doing. You may try a few things and dislike them, but keep on going until you find something that defines you and makes you a better version of yourself. 

Having a Hobby Might Help Your Career

Whilst we focus on hobbies to get away from work, they can be an interesting part of applying for jobs. Many employers admire those that have a hobby they’re interested in as well as those who take great pride in something they enjoy doing. Not only does it show that you’re an interesting person, but it also shows that you have some life and personality, which are all great qualities in any job. 

Earn Some Extra Money

You never know how far you can go with your hobby. You may like gardening and you might have your neighbours spreading the message about how good you are after witnessing your work. The word passes around and people may be interested in your services before you know it. You may enjoy graphic design. After posting some examples online, you may have clients contacting you for a paid project!

Allows You To Meet Others

We often meet people that we’re familiar with such as friends, family and work colleagues. Seldom do we ever socialise with new and interesting people outside of these circles. Meeting new people is always great as you learn about new ideas, new lifestyles and also people who may have similar interests to you. When you meet others with a mutual interest, you often have meaningful conversations which can lead to creativity, internal joy and possibly opportunities to take your hobby further. 

You’ll Feel More Confident 

By focusing on a hobby, you find out who you are, what your interests are and what you’re good at. As a result, you’ll notice your confidence increase as you keep on doing what you’re doing. Having a hobby can also make you confident as you’ll see yourself accomplishing things you thought you’d never be able to. I mean, who wouldn’t feel good about something they’re good at?

Stops You From Wasting Time

It’s true what they say – “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” Boredom is often experienced when one does not have something to engage in and can cause many problems. It’s pretty shocking what people get up to when they’re bored. That’s why, having a hobby can help alleviate this problem by giving you the chance to focus on something bigger and better than being idle. It also gives you something to anticipate and look forward to. And in the best-case scenario, you’ll end up seeing yourself so heavily invested in a hobby you love, that it will make you lose track of time completely. 

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Juber Ahmed is our Digital Editor and travel enthusiast with a keen interest in Islamic history and heritage. He travels with his wife to various places around the world and writes about his experiences.
Juber's favourite Quote...

"The World Is a Book and Those Who Do Not Travel Read Only One Page" [Saint Augustine]

Tags: benefits of hobbies, creativity, hobbies, hobby, networking

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