The Queen’s Most Favourite Holiday Destinations

The Queen’s death was a cause of sorrow and sadness for many people around the world. Tributes flooded in from many countries as people remembered their meetings with the Queen on her trips abroad. 

Whilst the Queen may have lived predominantly in Great Britain, she was known to be one of the most well-travelled monarchs. Having travelled to over 100 countries during her 70-year reign, the Queen naturally had a soft spot for several countries. 

Cape Town – Tobias Reich (Unsplash)

South Africa

Before the age of 20, the Queen had never stepped foot outside of Great Britain. It was in February 1947 whilst the Queen was only 20 years old, that her father decided to take the family, including young Elizabeth, on her first trip abroad. This was a big moment for the Queen and as Sarah Bradford mentions in her book, this trip was “to have a profound and lifelong effect on her.” Spending two months in the country, they began in Cape Town and spent 35 nights on the White Train which was specifically for royals. 

Malta – Norbert Staudt (Unsplash)


Malta was not merely a holiday destination for the Queen, but also a place she called home for two years. Having lived here between 1949 and 1951 with her husband, the Queen enjoyed many moments of leisure away from royal duties. The Queen made a total of six visits to Malta, and there’s a good reason for that. The island has a Mediterranean climate, pristine sandy beaches and crystal clear water for the perfect swim. 

British Columbia – Trevor McKinnon (Unsplash)


The Queen travelled to Canada 27 times, making it the most visited country by the Queen. Whilst the nature of her visits may have differed each time, her constant return tells us that she had a soft spot for the place. From Nova Scotia to Alberta, the Queen travelled far and wide in Canada. Being an intrepid traveller, the Queen also visited the more off-the-beaten-path territories such as Khutzeymateen Inlet on her trip to British Columbia. 

Kenya – Sergey Pesterev (Unsplash)


Young Elizabeth may have travelled to Kenya as a princess, but she returned as a Queen. For this reason, Kenya was a bittersweet destination for the Queen as it was here that she received the news of her father passing whilst on holiday with her husband. Staying in Kenya’s oldest safari lodge known as Treetops, Princess Elizabeth enjoyed her time with her husband whilst shooting photos and being one with the animals. But the news of her father’s passing dramatically changed everything as Jim Corbett writes, “For the first time in the history of the world, a young girl climbed into the tree as a princess and climbed down as a queen.

Main Image Credit: Calin Stan (Unsplash)

Juber Ahmed
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Juber Ahmed is our Digital Editor and travel enthusiast with a keen interest in Islamic history and heritage. He travels with his wife to various places around the world and writes about his experiences.
Juber's favourite Quote...
"The World Is a Book and Those Who Do Not Travel Read Only One Page" [Saint Augustine]

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Tags: africa, british muslim, british muslim magazine, canada, elizabeth, great britain, history, holiday, kenya, leisure, london, malta, princess, queen, queen elizabeth, travel

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by Juber Ahmed
Juber Ahmed is our Digital Editor and travel enthusiast with a keen interest in Islamic history and heritage. He travels with his wife to various places around the world and writes about his experiences.
Juber's favourite Quote...
"The World Is a Book and Those Who Do Not Travel Read Only One Page" [Saint Augustine]
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