Up to 380,000 landlords looking to let go of property
A significant number of homes suitable for first time buyers could flood the market in the coming year as new figures* show approximately 380,000 landlords (19 per cent) intend to offload property.
The figures indicate that 45 per cent of landlords who intend to sell property in the coming year plan to sell individual flats and apartments, with a third (33 per cent) looking to sell terraced homes – both of which are typically affordable and attractive options for those taking their first steps on the property ladder.
Significantly, just seven per cent of landlords who plan to sell say they intend to sell to other landlords, signalling renewed hope for many first time buyers and homeowners looking to progress up the property ladder.
The figures, from the National Landlords Association (NLA), come as separate findings from UK Finance shows signs of buoyant first time buyer activity of late**.
Richard Lambert, CEO of the National Landlords Association (NLA), said:
“These findings sound like positive news for potential new homeowners, but the reality is not everyone wants, or is in a position financially, to buy.
“In fact, if all these homes are sold as planned then it will lead to a significant fall in the supply of property available to those who choose to rent, or have no other option but to rent”.
The National Landlords Association (NLA) says it has been looking into the issue recently and has produced a video and discussion paper – the hustle for homes – about the relationship between landlords and first time buyers in the market.
Mr Lambert added:
“Everyone seems to have a gut instinct about the extent to which they feel landlords and first time buyers compete for homes in the UK, but homeownership is a highly emotive issue so the facts are often overlooked.
“There’s certainly no denying that competition exists, but the significant barriers to homeownership are more likely to be the high cost of a deposit or ability to access mortgage finance.
“With our new video and discussion paper we hope to provide more of an accurate picture of these issues, and importantly we want to focus the debate on what can be done to ensure that everyone has a roof over their head – regardless of whether they rent or own”.
Natasha Syed is the dynamic Editor-in-Chief of British Muslim Magazine, the UK’s premium Travel & Lifestyle publication catering to Muslim audiences. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for celebrating diverse cultures, she leads the magazine in curating inspiring content that bridges heritage, modern luxury, and faith-driven experiences.
Under her leadership, British Muslim Magazine continues to set the standard for authentic, and engaging trusted narratives, making it the go-to source for Muslim traveler's and lifestyle enthusiasts across the UK and beyond.
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