Currently Browsing: British Muslim Magazine

Example Blog Post #2

Nam ultrices orci nibh, eget malesuada nibh eleifend sit amet. Aliquam laoreet diam ut quam fringilla egestas. Cras commodo erat quis congue pretium. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque elementum tortor elit, ac porta leo ultrices id. Aliquam sit amet mattis mi. Donec facilisis consectetur interdum. Curabitur aliquam consequat ullamcorper. Maecenas eget lectus commodo, laoreet nulla eu, viverra enim. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


Example Blog Post #1

Nam ultrices orci nibh, eget malesuada nibh eleifend sit amet. Aliquam laoreet diam ut quam fringilla egestas. Cras commodo erat quis congue pretium. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque elementum tortor elit, ac porta leo ultrices id. Aliquam sit amet mattis mi. Donec facilisis consectetur interdum. Curabitur aliquam consequat ullamcorper. Maecenas eget lectus commodo, laoreet nulla eu, viverra enim. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


Milad un Nabi this December

The Prophet’s Birthday, or Milad un Nabi as it is commonly known in Muslim culture, is celebrated in most of the Muslim countries and in India as well. The day is celebrated to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. It is celebrated in the third month of the Islamic calendar. While the Shias celebrate […]


Des McDonal to open on the roof with vintage salt at Selfridges

Des McDonald to open On the Roof with Vintage Salt at Selfridges for a five month summer residency from 1 May. On 1st May, renowned restaurateur Des McDonald, will launch his third pop-up restaurant at Selfridges; On the Roof with Vintage Salt. Open for five months, Vintage Salt will kick off Selfridges’ ‘Great British Outdoors’ campaign.  This […]


The Fabric of India

Supported by Good Earth Part of the V&A India Festival 3 October 2015 – 10 January 2016 | #FabricofIndia The Fabric of India will be the first exhibition to fully explore the incomparably rich world of handmade textiles from India. From the earliest known Indian textile fragments to contemporary fashion, the exhibition will illustrate […]


British Muslim Magazine

Welcome to British Muslim Magazine, Britain’s leading Muslim lifestyle magazine offering inspiration, advice, shopping, food and halal travel advice to British Muslim audiences and international travellers. BMM is the perfect choice for everyone who wants to know more about our nation’s rich history and traditions.