Currently Browsing: History & Heritage
Prophet Noah (A.S.), (“Nuh” in Arabic), is considered as the third Prophet after Hazrat Aadam(Prophet Adam) and Hazrat Idris (Prophet Enoch). Noah (A.S.)was a simple man before his call to Prophecy and was highly devoted to andworshipped single creator almighty ALLAH (S.W.T.) and is the reason ALLAH (S.W.T.) gave somuch importance and respect to him. […]
If you have never been inside a mosque, your missing out! Cambridge Central Mosque This mosque is Europe’s first eco friendly mosque. Great Mosque of Cordoba, Spain This mosque was first a church. Islamic centre of Rijeka, Croatia Opened 2013, this was the first and third mosque built in Croatia. Prophet Muhammad Mosque, Russia Opened […]
It is essential to look at the story of Karbala and the lessons we can learn from Imam Hussain. Hussain, the holy prohet’s beloved grandson, lived and exemplary life from which we can all learn and attempt to emulate. Forbid evil and enjoin good When Imam Hussain sacrificed his life and the lives of his […]
Since the great migration (hijra) from Makkah to Madīnah, Muslims have been using the Islamic (hijri) calendar as the standard measure of time. The creation of the Islamic calendar was a great feat. It took a culture and transformed it into a civilisation. The calendar plays an important role in dictating dates for major acts […]
Welcome to our prophet’s series, where we will cover all 25 prophets of Islam over the next few months. A prophet is a messenger sent by ALLAH (S.W.T.) to mankind for guiding them to the right path. The prophet is in contact with ALLAH (S.W.T.) and acts as an intermediary between ALLAH (S.W.T.) and the […]
Feeling Hopeful! Who doesn’t love summer? It’s hard not to feel a bit more hopeful when the blossom is out and daffodils are bobbing about in the breeze. Get outdoors and get physical – why not take some inspiration this issue and head to the hills in the Lake District, Scottish Highlands or Wales. This […]