Currently Browsing: Islamic History
The narrative stands strong. With the archaeological evidence that has just recently come to the surface, it seems that the city of Madrid was founded by Muslims in the ninth century. Towards the end of June 2023, a fundamental part of Madrid’s Islamic heritage went on display in the Galeria de Colecciones Reales. This popular […]
Ramadhan is a month that is special for many reasons. It is a month in which we return to Allah, exert ourselves in our spiritual efforts, and appreciate the countless blessings Allah has showered upon us. It is also a month which is associated with many remarkable historical events. A month of hardship and endurance, […]
“The paths to guidance are diverse, as a mercy and kindness from God to His servants, due to the variation in their intellectual, mental, and spiritual insights.” Ibn al-Qayyim The beauty of Islam is that it welcomes and embraces truth seekers through numerous avenues. Individuals such as Abu Bakr al-Siddiq RA were fast to accept […]