Currently Browsing: Wellbeing

The Importance of Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin

Did you know that Vitamin D is a hormone rather than a vitamin? While Vitamin D supplements can be purchased, the best way for your body to obtain Vitamin D is by your skin synthesising any sun exposure it receives and turning this into a hormone. This is what we call calcitriol, or activated Vitamin […]


Five Ways To Keep Cool This Summer

Summer is around the corner, and many of us will agree that maintaining our health is an important factor during the season. With predicted temperatures ranging between 27-33 degrees Celcius, it’s only sensible that we start exploring ways to ward off the heat to stay cool this summer. It’s not always about the AC or […]


Seven Ways To Become More Sustainable in everyday life

The idea of ‘becoming more sustainable’ can sound daunting. What’s the first thing you think of when the word ‘sustainability’ is mentioned? Reducing carbon emissions? Balancing ecosystems? Collecting rainwater maybe? Whilst these concepts do fall under the broad idea of sustainability, being sustainable is a lot closer to home. Simply put, being sustainable is all […]


Your one stop guide to Hijama – Wet Cupping

Despite its many health benefits, Hijama is precariously becoming an uncommon form of therapy. A natural and holistic way of ridding the body of any toxins, Hijama sits somewhere lower on the list when compared to the likes of modern medicine and treatment. You could say that it’s slowly becoming a forgotten Sunnah; a sunnah […]


Can CBD Treat Anxiety?

In recent years, many studies have shown that Cannabidiol (CBD) can help treat anxiety disorders and other mental disorders. Until recently, anxiety disorders were only ever treated through the use of antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), such as fluoxetine and sertraline. However, things are beginning to change. Evidence now tells us that CBD […]


Five Ways To Declutter Your Home Today

As we make our way through Spring and approach everyone’s favourite season, we start to see many people trying to find ways to declutter their homes. But some of us are simply stuck and just don’t know where to start. Here are five ways to get started now: Start Slow At first it may all […]


British Muslim Magazine

Welcome to British Muslim Magazine, Britain’s leading Muslim lifestyle magazine offering inspiration, advice, shopping, food and halal travel advice to British Muslim audiences and international travellers. BMM is the perfect choice for everyone who wants to know more about our nation’s rich history and traditions.