This is a very significant day. Many people are recommended to fast and make supplication On this day. The gates of heaven are open on this day. It is believed sins are forgiven on this day. The pilgrims do not fast, only those who do not go to Hajj. The significance is prayer fasting and […]
The pilgrimage to Makkah to perform the Hajj is one of the most awaited times in the lives of a muslim. The Umrah is the beginning to understanding and creating a bond with Allah (swt). A physical presence in the holy land is a prediction made in the holy Qur’an which states that upon mention […]
Well hasn’t it just been hectic hey? We have been transformed into homebased people who once had an outdoor life! The good news is that we can continue to be relaxed and do those changes in our homes, you know, the ones we have been planning for ages. However anxiety does kick in and then […]
Stress arises when one is progressing in a situation. Most stress is controllable; it helps to motivate a person in getting things done. However stress can also be negative and cause anxiety mood swings or problems with others. To prevent high level stress many small steps can be done to overcome this such as for […]
We love recommending good books which leave you energised, more knowledgeable and inspired! Check out our July recommendations below, you will not be dissapointed. A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine by Ibn Daud (Jamal Parekh) – £19.99 from – Ibn Daud Books This spiritual guide to the self is a handbook of tazkiyah or ‘self-purification’. It […]