A thrilling and vibrant live-action adaptation of Disney’s animated classic, Aladdin is the exciting tale of the charming street rat Aladdin, the courageous and self-determined Princess Jasmine and the Genie who maybe the key to their future. Born in Cairo, Egypt, Massoud, (27) moved to Canada when he was 3 years old. Talking about his […]
Half Moons recipe has got to be THE most highly requested video from Anisagrams fans online. It’s a crispy fried snack, filled with saucy creamy chicken. Half Moons are also a very popular Ramadan Recipe and we’ve asked Anisa to make them for you. So lets get started! This recipe should make around 12-15 depending […]
Founder of the Qadiriyya tariqa (Sufi order) of Sufism, Muhiyuddin Abu Muhammad Abdul Qadir Gilani al Hasani wa’l Husayni was a persian sunni muslim, who was born in Sha’ban 420 AH, around 1077, in Baghdad. (In the month of Ramadan). Gilani’s (RA) father, Hazrat Abu Salih Musa al Husayni was from Sayyid lineage and his mother’s name […]
Modanisa bringing the world of modest fashion to London this weekend Leading e-tailer Modanisa has teamed up with the industry’s best modest fashion designers to give you an ultra-chic choice of styles this Ramadan and Eid, with outfits that provide a seamless transition from day to night. Supermodel Halima Aden has ventured into fashion design […]
For those in the know, there are numerous special places where you can stay for a holiday which have connections to royalty, both past and present. Every summer Her Majesty the Queen heads off to her Scottish estate at Balmoral. You can follow in her footsteps over the rest of the year, staying in one […]
Ramadan Mubarak! The holiest month in the Islamic calendar, which sees Muslims undertake a 30-day fast starts in May. When did Ramadan Start? Although Ramadan is always on the same day of the Islamic calendar, its date on the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year. This year in the UK, Ramadan begins on the […]