Currently Browsing: Prophet Muhammad

Ten Prophetic Traditions on The Virtues of Madinah al-Munawwarah

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In the Islamic tradition, both ‘times’ and ‘places’ act as an impetus for spiritual progression. The month of Rabi al-Awwal has already commenced  –  a month which is filled with blessings and virtue. This month, one of the most recommended things to do is revisit some of the greatest prophetic traditions (hadith). Hadith collections are […]


Reviving Our Love For The First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah

“The last time I remember feeling extremely close to God was in Ramadan.” Not only is this a common statement uttered by the vast majority of us, but it also evokes an understanding of how common acts of worship are usually forgotten about upon the completion of Ramadan. Reciting the Qur’an, standing in prayer the […]


Eight Prophetic Invocations For Protection and Relief

One of the best ways to draw closer to Allah is by realising that we as humans are vulnerable and in need. Whether we believe it or not, our need for Allah is far greater than we can imagine and the way to draw closer to him is through the simple act of Du’a. The […]


Muḥarram – A Month To Rekindle Faith

Since the great migration (hijra) from Makkah to Madīnah, Muslims have been using the Islamic (hijri) calendar as the standard measure of time. The creation of the Islamic calendar was a great feat. It took a culture and transformed it into a civilisation. The calendar plays an important role in dictating dates for major acts […]


The Power of Rabi’ al-awwal

The name Rabī‘ al-awwal means the first [month] or beginning of Spring, referring to its position in the pre-Islamic Arabian calendar. Hence this is considered to be a very blessed month. Rabīʿ al-ʾawwal is the third month in the Islamic calendar. During this month, many Muslims around the world celebrate Mawlid –  the birthday of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad ( PBUH).  Although the […]


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