ramadan 2023

Five Significant Events That Took Place in Ramadhan

Ramadhan is a month that is special for many reasons. It is a month in which we return to Allah,…

1 year ago

Ten Prophetic Traditions on The Significance of Ramadhan

As we make our way through the month of Ramadhan, let us take this time to reconnect with the words…

1 year ago

Four Ways To Make This Ramadhan Different

There are certain acts that the Qur’an instructs us to engage in when Ramadhan approaches and it does so for…

1 year ago

Welcoming Ramadhan and Embracing Its Blessings

“O, People! A great (and) blessed month has cast its shadow upon you. It is a month which contains a…

1 year ago

UK University Addresses How Diabetic Muslims Can Fast Safely This Ramadhan

A University of Dundee spinout company is looking to help diabetic Muslims to fast safely this Ramadhan.  Produced by MyWay…

1 year ago