Currently Browsing: Ramadhan 2023

Keep The Spirit of Ramadhan Alive By Fasting The Six Days of Shawwal

I think we can all agree that the month of Ramadhan will be dearly missed; a month of standing in prayers, giving charity, doing good and most importantly, fasting. For many of us, fasting helps us in achieving humility and transforms us spiritually, such that we have more energy to do good. With the abstinence […]


A Reminder For Those That Feel Like They Haven’t Done Much This Ramadhan

Do you feel like you’ve whizzed through this Ramadhan? Maybe you feel like you’ve not done much. Some of us might even be feeling extremely hopeless as the last few days and nights of Ramadhan remain before we leave the auspicious month.  With time passing by faster than it used to many years ago, it […]


Get The Kids Involved With These DIY Eid Gift Ideas!

It’s quite common to see our wallets becoming rather thin when shopping for Eid gifts for the family, which is why many of us are seeking out new and creative ways to gift this Eid without compromising on quality. If you’re wanting to start a new gift-giving tradition in the family by saving money and […]


Benefits of Sending Peace and Blessings Upon The Prophet ﷺ

A Sunnah that is precariously slipping away from us is the simple yet highly virtuous act of sending peace and blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ. To revive our love for the Prophet ﷺ in the blessed days of Ramadhan and on this blessed day of Jumuah, below we list five benefits of sending peace and […]


What to do on Laylatul Qadr

There is no sole specified act which has been prescribed for this night, except that there is a specific invocation to recite on Laylat al-qadr. Seeking forgiveness on this night is the one thing that has been stressed dearly by the Prophet PBUH. After Aisha RA enquired as to what Du’a should be recited if […]


Everything You Need to Know About Laylat al-Qadr

While Ramadhan in its entirety is encompassed with significance and blessings, the last ten days are at the essence of the month, as it is these days in which the Prophet PBUH levelled up his acts of worship. In one hadith, `A’isha RA narrated, “When the last ten nights began, the Messenger of Allah PBUH remained awake at night, […]


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